
The ESD/SPD Web Editor relies on the ESD/SPD Web server. This server provides web services for:

  1. Licensing
  2. Delivering diagram templates to the client
  3. Converting diagrams created by Windows versions of ESD and SPD to SVG diagrams
  4. Converting SVG diagrams to PNG or JPEG images
The server also delivers HTML pages that include samples, documentation, and configuration information.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Run the setup.exe for the ESD/SPD Web SDK.
  2. When prompted, activate the product by entering your license code and password.
  3. When the install is complete, the server will be running as a Windows service. Your browser should open to the server's default page (http://localhost:3000).


The configuration file for server is located at <install location>\server\config\config.json. This file contains settings that control the behavior of the server.

The settings in the server configuration file include:

Setting Type Default Description
hostname String The interface(s) the server will to listen on. This must be either a host name that resolves to the address of an interface on the host, the address of an interface on the host, or the value "" which will cause the server to listen on all interfaces on the host machine.
port Integer 3000 or 443 The port the server will listen on. The default port is 443 if the ssl setting is provided.
compression Boolean true If set to true, the web server will compress outbound content.
samples Boolean true If set to true, the editor sample pages will be enabled.
documentation Boolean true If set to true, the SDK documentation page will be enabled.
drawService Boolean true If set to true, the web service will be enabled.
maxLogSize Integer 5000000
(5 MB)
The maximum size of a log in characters. When this threshold is reached, the log will be closed and archived.
maxLogCount Integer 30 The maximum number of log files to keep. This includes the current log file and any archived log files. When this threshold is reached, the oldest archived log files will be discarded.
logDir String logs The directory where the log files will be created. This can be a relative or absolute path. If a relative path is specified, the log directory will be relative to <Web SDK install location>\server. The log directory will be created if it does not exist.
cacheTimeout Integer > 0 or String 1000 Specifies a max-age in milliseconds for http caching of static content. This can also be a string accepted by the nodejs ms module.
sampleRESTServiceUrl String /REST The root URL of the REST services for the samples.
proxyWhiteList String Array A list of allowed target domain names for proxying map images and data. If not defined, the map proxy will be disabled. Valid values will have the form:
[ "", "", ...]
valid-origins String Array (request origins) or String (regular expression) Controls cross origin access to the web service. This is either a list of valid request origins or a regular expression that request origins must match to be considered. Valid values will have the form:
[ "valid origin 1", "valid origin 2", ...] or "<regular expression>"
ssl Object Defines the server's SSL configuration. Valid values will have the form:
{ key: "<key file path>", cert: "<cert file path>" }
rasterizeLifetimeRequests Integer > 0 75 The target maximum number of requests handled by an instance of the rasterizer service. When this number is exceeded the rasterizer instance will be retired and a new instance started.
rasterizeLifetimeSeconds Integer > 0 3600 The target lifetime of a rasterizer service instance in seconds. When a rasterizer's lifetime exceeds this value it will be retired and a new instance started.
rasterizeMaxActiveRequests Integer > 0 3 The maximum number of concurrent rasterize requests.
rasterizeMaxRequestDelay Integer > 0 5000 The target maximum execution time in milliseconds for rasterize requests. When the server is busy and is unlikely to meet this goal, it will reject rasterize requests.
rasterizeMaxWidthHeight Integer
0 < value <= 10,000
4000 The maximum width/height for rasterize requests in pixels.
rasterizeRenderTasks Integer >= 2 2 The number of processes in the rasterizer task pool. Increasing this value may improve rasterization performance when there are many simultaneous requests.
rasterizeTcpPortRange Numeric Array [2011, 2032] A 2 element array defining the range of TCP ports available for use by the rasterizer. The range must encompass at least 4 port numbers.
rasterizeTimeout Integer > 0 15000 Timeout for rasterize requests in milliseconds.
rasterizeDefaultWidth Integer
0 < value <= rasterizeMaxWidthHeight
1200 The default width for rasterize requests in pixels.
rasterizeDefaultHeight Integer
0 < value <= rasterizeMaxWidthHeight
1200 The default height for rasterize requests in pixels.
rasterizeDefaultMargin Integer
0 < value <= 1/2 of max(
rasterizeDefaultWidth, rasterizeDefaultHeight)
10 The default margin for rasterize requests in pixels.
rasterizeDefaultImageQuality Number
0 < value <= 1.0
0.75 The default JPEG image quality for rasterize requests.
rasterizeDefaultFormat String
'image/png' or 'image/jpeg'
'image/png' The default image format for rasterize requests.
rasterizeVerboseLog Boolean false Include more verbose content in the rasterizer log?
tempFileAutoDelete Boolean true If true, temp files will be automatically deleted.

Other Considerations

SSL: The standard web server functionality of Node.js is used in the server. There are many optional features and settings available which can be referenced in the Node.js documentation here.

Operation Behind a Reverse Proxy: The web service does not keep state and generally does not require special treatment.

Load Balancing: To assist with load balancing, a status end-point is provided at /status which always returns a 200 status code and the text "OK" when the server is running.